The history of the Carvajal family in Spain is recorded back to the 1300's. First recorded as a family of knights, the Carvajal family grew in social standing between 1390—1450 to become a preeminent noble house with castles in Extremadura, Founders and Mayors of Cities in Mexico, Influential Catholic Church Bishops and even an ArchBishop. Social Influence and participation in Spain’s rise as an international power, the Carvajal family played both a behind-the-scene and a front-row role in shaping the new world and remaking the European landscape.
The Duchy of Aveyro was gifted to the Carvajal family by King Alfonso the 13th of Spain, adding to the noble titles already held by the family across the years of: Governor of Nuevo Reino de Leon, Duke of Linares, Duke of Aveyro, Duke of Abrantes, Marquis of Puerto Seguro, Count of Bailén, Marquis of Goubea, Count of Cabrillas, and Count of Portalegre; in addition to military honors, governmental postings, and church positions.
The Greatness of Spain is the ultimate dignity of the Spanish nobility in the pearage of Spain, as it is positioned immediately beneath the Princess of Asturias and the born heirs of the Crown. In iconography, the shrowd of the King of Spain is seen covering the Duchal Shield, indicating the placement of the Duchy as directly cloaked by the Crown's authority and presence.
The Greatness of Spain, as a title is indpendant of the Duchy and carries with it authority of its own, dating back to the 16th century members of the Greatness were exempt from taxation, had direct access to the Crown, and were occupants of the highest offices in the land. After Franco, and in the Modern Era, the authority and powers of the nobility have been highly curtailed, yet The Greatness of Spain maintains many advantages including their own Governemental Counsel, The Council Of The Greatness Of Spain.